Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How I am Fairing Now

I've just been thrown out of the house by a supposed good 'mate of mine. Things got very ugly for a while, but I'm glad it's over. I've taken this as a lesson to try and not associate with people with a desctructive and highly critical nature.

I've always maintained that the home is the hub of peace, security, and time out from the dangerous elements of this world. In the last 6 months however, that sense of security and peace has gradually eroded, leaving me feeling like a stranger in my own home.

I've spoken to mum about collaborating getting a more permanent arrangement for me and my family members. And we're working out how to collaborate more so that I can get her over to Australia to stay with me.

I am currently embarking on an IT course which I am quite excited about. My keyboard skills have improved greatly both due to all the computer work I do. This is inevitably led to a huge improvement in my musical technique as well (strangely enough.....)

I hope to go to Singapore in a few weeks when the timing is right. My connection with Singapore and my feeling and passion for the place is still strong. However, I try not to let the nostalgia get to me anymore. I am cooking asian food and experimenting a lot with different dishes at present.

Over the year, my cooking repertoire has stretched out and I now know a few at least standard receipes to cook and enjoy cooking thoroughly. My job is interesting, I get to meet a lot of very varied people. I am a drug and alcohol assessor. People who smoke weed and get caught by the cops get sent to me.

Most of them start off fairly aggro, but after a while they tend to chill out after realising I'm not out to judge them or make their life a living hell!

Although I do not smoke marijuana myself as I am a Baha'i, I prefer to leave the choice of what people ingest and consume entirely up to them. I do not feel the need to coerce anybody to doing what they do not ultimately feel like doing.

However my role is to encourage them to look at how they can better their lives, and introducing them to drug-free alternatives to coping.

That's what I have been doing in a nutshell for the last 6 months!